How to turn a goal into a project plan

As free spirited entrepreneurs we’re master goal setters. ✨ We dream big and take intuitive risks because whatever we believe, we believe HARD. #soulpreneur4life

But do you feel like your big vision board dreams keep slipping through your fingers? I used to get crazy inspired to do something then completely drop my business plans to research new co-working spaces or the price of plane tickets to Nicaragua.

I’d “wake up” 3 hours later with a cart full of overpriced swimwear and ZERO business content for the day. I was no closer to a magical destination AND I’d neglected my biz. Talk about suck 🥵.  

As shitty as that felt, it forced me to get serious about what was REALLY happening. My creative spirit was being guided but I wasn’t giving myself time to explore it. On top of that, I def wasn’t setting up the systems to make these goals my reality🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

Enter: my left-brain plan for turning that dreamy goal into a project plan 📈.

step 1: ask the questions

Take time to connect with your goal and ask yourself why you feel drawn toward certain things. Does that hand lettering course attract creativity within your business? Does that Nicaragua Pinterest board remind you of your desire for freedom✈️ in your biz?

DON’T let those “nudges” throw you off track. Explore and ask yourself meaningful questions that will connect you with your big goals.

  • What do I want to create?
  • What areas of my life do I want to organize?
  • What do I want to do more of in my business?
  • Is there something I need to release?
  • What kind of abundance do I want to attract in my life?

Write these out and pin them to your vision board. Don’t get distracted before the real goal surfaces and sign up for another round of resolution let-down.

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step 2: map that sh*t out

Once you’ve connected with that big goal, break it down into actionable items. Use that over-the-top creative inspiration to make a plan. To make sure you dont get distracted follow the SMART acronym to make sure action items actually move the needle when it comes to realizing your dreams 🔮:

Time Bound

Then, batch the action items into categories
Next look for ways to delegate, organize, or simplify.
Then, schedule your heart out! Designate a time for each task and add them to your calendar.

👉 Bonus tip: Incorporate tasks into routines and habits to make that sh*t foolproof. For example, if your goal is to attend a retreat, set aside five bucks every time you order a green tea from your fav coffee ☕️shop. You’ll have those funds in no time, Babe.

This might seem super simple but once you’ve taken your big goal, broken it down into action items and added the TIME that you’re gonna do each action item to your calendar 📅 … YOU HAVE A PROJECT PLAN. 

Here’s the thing… when its in your calendar YOU HAVE TO DO IT. As long as you follow that one golden rule, you can turn any BIG GOAL into reality.

step 3: track your success + treat yo’self

Measure progress using trackers, charts, alarms, whatever! Set realistic deadlines, crush them, then celebrate the heck outta that shit!

And let’s be real, neglecting your self care routine will only lead to major business burnout.
Acknowledging your hard work and commitment is a great way to realign with your big goals and maintain a healthy relationship between you and your biz.

So indulge, Girl! Take a bubble bath, buy an over-priced smoothie from the place you love, or watch some friggin’ Netflix already! (you deserve it) 🥂